Corn Oil Press

Grapoila Foodtech


Anti-rancid natural substances for valuable oils of vegetable seeds.

We are long time expert on the oils and seeds.

Oilseeds are a significant proportion of the natural ingredients used in the food and cosmetics industry. The main limitation on the shelf life of fats and oils is rancidity, this warranty problem means irreversible damage. Rancidity is an oxidation process that can be inhibited, slowed down at low temperatures and vacuum, but unpredictable at atmospheric pressure and room temperature.

Detecting and preventing the deterioration process in a timely manner will extend the shelf-life, thus expanding the scope of application, in the food and cosmetics industry. The main limitation of the technology known today is that there is only a high-cost method for measuring the number of acid peroxide, which can be labelled as a quantitative measure of the loss, so the organoleptic deterioration is hardly detectable.

Our company research and develop a state of art organoleptic deterioration measurement method, and beside this, natural substances aimed to extend shelf life, and effectively inhibit degradation, without change the oil’s properties, and usability as food and cosmetic raw materials.

We also contribute to reducing food waste both domestically and internationally. We believe that we can ensure the high level of quality assurance of our food according to the “farm to fork” approach, with production technology based on scientific, pragmatic foundations, as well as its continuous development.
